4R Oncology®

4R Oncology® is an approach, tools, and methods used by care teams and patients/families to facilitate personalized care planning, team-based care delivery, and patient enablement


Feedback from patients who used 4R

Provided a clear picture of what to expect and my next steps

Care Sequence plan is an excellent document. It answered a lot of my questions.

Outstanding. My security blanket to help me know what to do and what is next

It provided me with a road map or project plan for my cancer care as well as for my doctors

Benefits of Using the 4R Oncology Model

Increased consistency and reduction in variability of care delivery across providers, clinics, and locations within a health system.

Streamline delivery of complex interdependent care, improve timeliness, and align the sequence of care.

Higher adherence to clinical guidelines.

Supports quality care and accreditation requirements (CoC, NAPBC, OCM/EOM, other).